We aim to share our expertise, know-how, and experience with young professionals, customers, and other interested parties. The motto for the seminars, lectures, and workshops by mo2 design is “from professionals for professionals.” The focus is on practical topics such as media installations, lighting programming, technical planning, and lighting design, all under real production conditions.

Our qualification concept for operating also includes test jobs and trainee programs to help participants acquire and gradually expand their knowledge in live operations.


At the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Department of Media Technology.

Since the winter semester of 2008, Manfred Olma has been giving an annual lecture as part of the lighting design course. He shares his experiences, challenges, and career path, while also supporting students in technical implementation and offering advice and assistance.

Since the summer semester of 2010, Matthias Allhoff has been conducting an annual seminar as part of the event technology course. Students have the opportunity to gain insights into project planning and coordination.


Advanced Light Programming

The Advanced Light Programming seminar draws on mo2 design’s experience in TV and special events. Various practical examples demonstrate challenges and solutions for lighting programming in demanding environments. The goal of the seminar is to keep an eye on all parameters at all times, respond immediately to changing requirements, and work as a multi-user.

The seminar is aimed at advanced operators.

In collaboration with MA Lighting and Lightpower

Dates available upon request

In collaboration with MA Lighting and Lightpower

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Media Surfaces, Virtuality and Content

How does the image get on the screen? What exactly is content? What types of display surfaces exist? What is native resolution? When is a media server needed? Is 4k the future?

This seminar addresses various possibilities and variables in the use of media surfaces. This includes key technical characteristics as well as creative approaches and possibilities. The entire workflow, from technical planning to creative content creation to the final show, is also covered.

The seminar is aimed at producers, production managers, developers, product managers, planners, and users.

Dates available upon request

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The Key to Light

With the advent of LEDs, things have become complicated. LEDs are efficient and represent the future. But are LEDs better? Better than what? Artificial light

Dates available upon request

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Registrations and inquiries can be directed to or by phone at +49 221 222 127-0